The Number One

Understanding The First Number

The number one - commonly written as "1" - holds a singular position across mathematics. While defined as the smallest whole number - representing something instead of nothing - its simplicity holds space for its significance. Across cultures, we hold up one finger to quickly communicate that we want one of something. We also use pointing - the same hang gesture to indicate the number 1 - to indicate a specific thing amongst all that to which we can point.

The Number One's Importance

The number "1" is the foundation upon which other numbers are constructed. It is the basis of the Unary System of writing mathematics. It is the foundation upon which the number systems of counting numbers, whole numbers, and integers are built upon. It also plays a unique role within foundational mathematical functions such as multiplication and exponentiation as the multiplicative identity and exponential identity.

Counting with One

The way in which we count - a function commonly known as addition - is how we create the number system of counting numbers. A number system is a series of rules we create for representing and manipulating numbers. When communicating these counting numbers in writing, the Unary System is a way in which we can communicate quantity with only the number "1".

What is the Unary System?

The Unary System is a way in which we can communicate quantity with only the number "1". Unary comes from the Latin word "un" meaning "one" and "-ary" meaning "relating or belonging to." While we can use the symbol "1" to represent the number one and counting by one, we can use nearly anything to represent the number one. Counting fingers, blocks, ducks, etc. are all examples of symbols that can be used to represent the number one.

1.0The Unary System


In this article we defined the number one and explained a bit of its significance. In the next article we'll dive deeper into the mathematical function of addition to better visualize counting by one's. Finally, it will be pulled all together into a deep dive of the Unary System.